Professor Bradford Morse

Professor Bradford Morse
Dean and Professor of Law at Te Piringa – Faculty of Law, University of Waikato and Professor of Law, University of Ottawa (on leave)
B.A., LL.B., LL.M.
Contact details:
Bradford Morse is the Dean and Professor of Law at Te Piringa - Faculty of Law at University of Waikato since 2009 and Professor of Law [on leave] at University of Ottawa, since 1976. He has served as Executive Director, Native Legal Task Force of B. C. 1974-75; Research Director, Aboriginal Justice Inquiry of Manitoba 1988-91; Chief of Staff to Hon. Ronald A. Irwin, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs 1993-96. Publications: over 100 books, articles, book chapters and commission reports. He has been a legal advisor and negotiator for many First Nations and national and regional Aboriginal organizations in Canada since 1974 as well as Consultant to various royal commissions, governments and Indigenous organisations in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. He has appeared as an Expert Witness before the Waitangi Tribunal (NZ), Parliamentary and Legislative Committees (Canada) and other administrative tribunals predominantly on Indigenous rights and environmental law issues.
Selected publications
“Developing Legal Frameworks for Urban Aboriginal Governance,” Ottawa: Institute on Governance, 2010), 34 pages
Comparative Assessments of the Position of Indigenous Peoples in Quebec, Canada and Abroad, prepared for the National Assembly of Quebec, 94 pages, 2002; published by the Executive Council, volume 3, book 1 at 247-304.
Journal articles
“Indigenous human rights and knowledge in archives, museums, and libraries: some international perspectives with specific reference to New Zealand and Canada” (2012) 12 Archival Science No. 2, 113-140.
“The taxation exemption of Canadian Indians as governments and individuals: How does this compare with Australia and New Zealand?” with Fiona Martin and Barbara Hocking, (2011) 40 Common Law World Review 119-143.
‘The Impact on the Inuit of Environmental Degradation to the Canadian Arctic” with Michelle Zakrison, (2010) 39, No. 1, Common Law World Review 48-68.
“Indigenous Peoples and Water Rights: Does the United Nations’ Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Help?” (2009) 20 Journal of Water Law (No. 5/6) 254-267.
“International and Comparative Indigenous Rights via Videoconferencing,” (2009) 19 Legal Education Review (No 1 & 2) 237-270 (co-author with Margaret Stephenson, Lindsay Robertson, Melissa Castan, David Yarrow and Ruth Thompson).
Book chapters
“Destroying the Canadian Arctic: A Global Crisis with Devastating Local Ramifications” co-authored with Michelle Zakrison, in Democracy, Ecological Integrity and International Law, edited by J. Ronald Engel, Laura Westra and Klaus Bosselmann (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010) at pp. 119-140.
“Developing Legal Frameworks for Urban Aboriginal Governance,” in Aboriginal Policy Research: Exploring the Urban Landscape, Vol. VIII. Edited by Jerry P. White and Jodi Bruhn (Toronto: Thomson Educational Publishing Inc., 2010), at pp. 3-30.
“When Should Courts Defer to Administrative Tribunals – The Consultation Doctrine Spectrum” co-authored with Manon Lavoie, in Administrative law: Issues and perspectives, edited by A. Usha (Hyderabad, India: Amicus Books, Icfai University Press, 2008) at pp. 194-238.