October 2008 Volume 7, Issue 8


The devastating environmental and economic impacts of global warming and climate change are widely documented and now feature regularly in public discourse. Yet there has been very little discussion about the effect of such change on Indigenous Australians. In this edition, we take a closer look at this ever-pressing theme.

Dr Donna Green and Kirsty Ruddock examine the impact of climate change in the Torres Strait, outlining some possible legal mechanisms that Torres Strait Islander people may use to pressure business, State and Federal Government to take preventative action to slow the rate of environmental degradation.

Joe Ross and Emily Gerrard argue that sustainable solutions require active engagement with Indigenous people, outlining potential co-operative initiatives and the benefits that can emerge from integrated adaptation measures.

Bridget Lewis rounds out our examination of climate change by highlighting the way in which global warming disproportionately impacts upon Indigenous rights. Bridget emphasises the need to recast climate change as a rights issue, as well as an environmental and economic issue.
In addition to climate change, we discuss the difficulties for Victorian Aboriginal people in obtaining formal identification, and the impact of these difficulties on Indigenous participation in civil life. Joel Orenstein reviews the inflexible policies of the Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, illustrating how rigid practices can encroach upon the right of Aboriginal people to be recognised as a person before the law.

Nicole Watson evaluates the Cape York Family Responsibilities Commission, arguing that the Commission should not be implemented in other jurisdictions as it further chips away at Indigenous rights and the Racial Discrimination Act.

Finally, I review the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Issues Paper on the development of a National Indigenous Representative Body. The AHRC Report raises some outstanding issues for consideration to ensure that any future Indigenous representative body is effective and sustainable in the long term.

Zrinka Lemezina

Archives of the ILB from Volume 1, Issue 1 (1981) to 6 (23) 2006 are available online at http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AboriginalLB and http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ILB/.


Climate Change Impacts in the Torres Strait, Australia
By Dr Donna Green and Kirsty Ruddock

Climate Change: Issues Facing Indigenous Australians
By Joe Ross and Emily Gerrard

Indigenous Human Rights and Climate Change
by Bridget Lewis

The Difficulties faced by Aboriginal Victorians in Obtaining Identification
By Joel Orenstein

The Families Responsibilities Commission Act 2008 (Qld)
By Nicole Watson

Building a Sustainable National Indigenous Representative Body: Issues for Consideration
By Zrinka Lemezina 

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