Russell Goldflam
Russell Goldflam
Bachelor of Legal Studies, Law (1 Hons) (Macquarie University)
Russell Goldflam has been the Principal Legal Officer of the Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission’s Alice Springs office since 2001. Awarded the Macquarie University Medal for Law in 1995 following a 15 year career in adult education, Russell is President of the Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory, a position he has held since 2011. Russell has been an Associate of the Indigenous Law Centre at the University of New South Wales since 2013, and has served as a Commissioner of the Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission since 2014. While maintaining his criminal practice, Russell works actively with community leaders and medical practitioners as a member of the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition to minimise alcohol-related harm to communities. A fierce advocate for law reform with a particular focus on alcohol policy, Russell was appointed to the Northern Territory Law Reform Committee in 2015. Russell has been a White Ribbon Ambassador since 2006. A leader and a role model, Russell was a Northern Territory Finalist for the Australian of the Year Award in 2016.
Select publications
CLANT column, Balance (Law Society Northern Territory journal) 2011-2016.
Where’s my Interpreter? Language and the Law Conference, Darwin, August 2015.
The (Non-)Role of Aboriginal Customary Law in Sentencing in the Northern Territory, (2013) 17(1) Australian Indigenous Law Review 71.
Ngayulu nyurranya putu kulini: The Legal Right to an Interpreter Language and Law Conference, Darwin, May 2012.
The White Elephant in the Room: Juries, Jury Arrays and Race Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory conference, July 2011; [2011] IndigLawB 42.
Damning the Rivers of Grog: Taking the Hard Decisions to Stop the Violence National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Conference, June 2010; [2011] BalJlNTLawSoc 14.
Satellites, Citizens and Secrets: R v Law & Others [2008] AltLawJl 24.
There ain't no fat lady: a Northern Territory delegation visits Canberra to oppose mandatory sentencing [2000] 25 AltLawJl 88.
Mandatory Sentencing and the Concentration of Powers (with Jonathon Hunyor), Criminal Lawyers Association of the Northern Territory conference, July 1999; [1999] 24 AltLawJl 71.
Cowboys v suits: Sacred Sites Laws in Never Never Country [1997] AltLawJl 31.
Silence in Court! Problems and prospects in Aboriginal legal interpreting, in Diana Eades (ed.), Language and Evidence: Linguistic and Legal Perspectives in Multicultural Australia (UNSW Press, 1995); [1997] AUJlLawSoc 3.