Volume 16 Number 2

Volume16(2) of the Australian Indigenous Law Review (AILR) features contributions from several Australian and international scholars on a range of topics. Among the issues canvassed are ways to reduce Indigenous over-representation in Northern Territory prisons; overcoming problems faced by Aboriginal people in making culturally appropriate wills; modern challenges to the findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody; an evaluation of the Family Responsibilities Commission, particularly in relation to leadership development and governance building; an exploration of the legal meanings and cultural implications of Welcome to and acknowledgement of Country speeches; the use of Māori as a civic language in the modern New Zealand Parliament; and integrating Indigenous justice into alternative dispute resolution practices. The cover of this issue features a linocut by Torres Strait Islander artist Alick Tipoti.
Ten Proposals to Reduce Indigenous Over-representation in Northern Territory Prisons
Anthony Pyne
The New South Wales Project on the Inheritance Needs of Aboriginal People: Solving the Problems by Making Culturally Appropriate Wills
Prue Vines
Racist, Offensive, and Degrading Police Behaviour against Aboriginal People in New South Wales: Modern Challenges to the Findings of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Ryan Harvey
The Family Responsibilities Commission: An Agent for Positive Social Change in Australian Discrete Indigenous Communities
Stuart Le Marseny
Welcome to Country: Legal Meanings and Cultural Implications
Alessandro Pelizzon and Jade Kennedy
A Language for Buying Biscuits? Māori as a Civic Language in the Modern New Zealand Parliament
Māmari Stephens and Phoebe Monk
Integrating Indigenous Justice into Alternative Dispute Resolution Practices: A Case Study of the Aboriginal Care Circle Pilot Program in Nowra
Sarah Ciftci and Deirdre Howard-Wagner