Megan Davis writes on the latest treaty movement in The Monthly

Read 'Seeking a settlement: How does the reinvigorated treaty movement fit with recognition?' by Megan Davis, in the latest edition of The Monthly, out now!
"Is that something you might move towards in government – a treaty?” asked Q&A’s Tony Jones.
By mid June, the crisis in indigenous affairs had barely rated a mention in the marathon 54-day election campaign. Issues such as child removal, land rights, health and unemployment were all but ignored, as was the whole-of-sector clarion call, the Redfern Statement. Now, on live national television – on a program that only infrequently engages with indigenous policy matters, and faced with a question more or less ignored in federal politics for two decades – Opposition Leader Bill Shorten was apparently snookered. He answered Jones by accusing him of trying to manufacture a “gotcha’’ moment. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.