Tackling Indigenous family violence needs more than band-aid solutions

Dr Kyllie Cripps has published another article on The Conversation website.
In the piece, 'Tackling Indigenous family violence needs more than band-aid solutions', Dr Cripps explores the feneral government's funding model for addressing Indigenous family violence and critiques the specific allocation of the funds, highlighting what's not being addressed and targetted that needs to be.
'In March 2015, then-prime minister Tony Abbott acknowledged that domestic violence was a “tragic and deadly epidemic” affecting the entire nation. This sentiment might be new to some in the broader population, but it resonates more with the Indigenous communities that have been enduring family violence crises for at least two decades.
Many communities have significant histories of intergenerational trauma. It is a result of the policies and practices of colonisation, and the substantial disparities in Indigenous health outcomes. All of these factors contribute to family violence.
Successive state and federal governments have failed to adequately address or reduce the violence in Indigenous communities. This is despite numerous government reports, both Indigenous-specific and mainstream-focused, that have provided evidence-based insight and recommendations.'