Megan Davis elected Rapporteur at the UNPFII
Professor Megan Davis, Director of the Indigenous Law Centre was elected Rapporteur at the 2012 United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues currently meeting at its Eleventh session at UN Headquarters in New York. Megan presented an interim UN PFII study on current constitutional reform processes toward recognising Indigenous peoples in constitutions in Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh and Kenya. She also presented the report of the international expert group meeting held in January 2012, 'Combating violence against indigenous women and girls: article 22 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' where she was UN Rapporteur. The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an advisory body to UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Megan was nominated to the UNPFII by the Australian government and elected by ECOSOC in 2010 as the Western and Other Group (WEOG) representative.